

What is a Selector?

A Selector is a short expression that allows your application to easily identify devices; these IIZI Selector Expressions are kept in your project’s Selectors folder. Comparable to CSS media queries, your Selectors handle device change, device capability, and much more. You define a Selector and then apply it – in your applications Project view – to either the Module project, a package, or directly to a Panel. Having created your project with Quickstart, several Selectors have been written for you and stored in your project’s Selectors folder.

Create a new selector using its wizard. The selector editor is used to define the Boolean Selector Expression.

Anatomy of a Selector expression

Anatomy of a Selector expression

The Selector Editor

The Selector Editor

Using Selectors

Using Selectors

Device match

Device match

Language code

Language code

Wildcard and Regular Expression

Wildcard and Regular Expression

Customization of selectors in Java

Customization of selectors in Java

How to add selectors?

How to add selectors?