Connecting text to components

Connecting text to components

There are several ways to connect dynamic text to the components in your user interface. A diverse and powerful combination of links, formatting and data injection is possible. With text content that already exists in your Text table, you can build and format text using the tools in the Text Editor toolbar.

The text table and virtualspace connection tools in the text editor toolbar

In the Text Editor toolbar, the Link to Text table tool, {T} will allow you to connect your current text to a new text ID, or insert text already stored in the Text table. In this way, you can build combinations of raw text and HTML formatting.

In the Text Editor toolbar, the Link to the Virtualspace entity tool, {V} will allow you to connect your current text to a new or existing vsField. Virtualspace references are not stored in the text table, but enable injection of a data directly into a text.

The Link tool allows you to insert a hyperlink to a vsAction or vsFocus, enabling navigation links or to link to any functionality within your application.

The hyperlink connection prompt from the link tool in the text editor toolbar

Images and font icons are also supported in the text content of a component. Wherever HTML tags are allowed, you can use the Image tool in the Text Editor tool bar to insert an image reference from any of your application’s image definitions.